[影视氛围音源]PulseSetter Sounds Handpan Machina [KONTAKT](7.23GB)

[全家桶]康泰克Kontakt音色标准和非标准音色一键入库工具及常见问题 [WiN, MacOSX]

P2P | 31 January 2025 | 7.23 GB

由作曲家为作曲家设计。一个非常复杂的 Kontakt GUI 隐藏在一个具有启发性的简单 GUI 后面。一个四层引擎,可以鸟瞰所有效果和控件。创建一种简单的方法来处理多种类型的声音,以便混合和匹配声音、效果和序列。

我们从最原始的Halo(一个品牌的Handpan)鼓中创造了多样本电影循环和脉冲。后来,我们处理了这些样本,制作了打击垫、电影循环和混合多样本命中。结合我们定制的 Kontakt GUI,一个强大的电影和特定配乐工具出现了。

Greg Tripi 是一位来自加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的作曲家、多乐器演奏家和合成器师。他是 ABC 电视连续剧 The Fix, Manhunt: Unabomber (Discovery/ Netflix) 的作曲家,他还与 Cliff Martinez 合作了 The Knick (Cinemax)。他的音乐曾出现在电影中,包括 马、Drive、Contagion、Rememory、Dark Places 和 Hotel Artemis,以及获得奥斯卡金像奖和艾美奖的独立电影、视频游戏和商业广告。

最有用的工具如此简单而强大的工具,它将成为您工作流程的一部分。电影作曲家依靠结合踏板音符、节奏、无人机和旋律来带领观众完成作曲之旅,同时保持其扎根于一个声音元素。使用我们的 LOCK 功能,您可以在四 GUI 中拥有相同的功能。这使人们能够锁定一层声音,同时引入和传出其他元素,如 Loop、打击垫和音序。

我们提供 100+ 起点,并鼓励您使用 GUI 中的录音功能创建自己的声音故事。

的可玩效果 正确的XY是一个自定义效果实时播放器,可以根据光标的位置实时调制多种效果。我们称之为空间与色彩。Y 轴和 X 轴具有一系列效果器和调制器,可以在 GUI 的 Color 和 Space 行中自定义。


Kontakt 鸟瞰图 GUI
我们的 GUI 没有将每个页面拆分为主 GUI、效果部分、调制和音序器页面,而是拥有所有内容的 “鸟瞰图”。选择要编辑的模块的模块,其参数将显示在右侧面板上。

在此鸟瞰图示例中,在右侧面板中选择了带有样本“MSMP Nail”的第 3 层过滤器进行编辑。过滤器的控件和设置位于右侧面板上。滤波器的步进音序器已被激活,并设置为 64 步,速率为 1/8。

两个带有自定义 MIDI CC 分配的 XY 打击垫可让您录制您的故事。左侧的 XY 打击垫可让您从四个声源之一移动,而右侧的 XY 打击垫可让您实时更改效果。

高级音序器 x4
– 和弦音序器:播放重复
的和弦– 琶音器:一次
播放一个音符– 音序器:音高模式。每个步进都可以设置为特定的音符
– Amount 旋钮:同时改变所有步进的速度


– 15.80GB的内容(压缩9.17%–
– XY Pad用于表演和自动化4层样本
– 第二个XY Pad用于表演和自动化2组
FXs– 每层
独立锁定– 2个带有可定制FXs的宏:“空间”和“颜色”
– 合成器般的引擎,每层能够进行多个FXs–
– 63个处理过的光环拨弦
– 51 个经过处理的 Halo 垫
– 342 个自然 Halo 循环
– 111 个经过处理的 Halo 循环
– 175 种乐器为几个戏剧性类别
策划– 每层都有独立的音序器和 FX 音序器

需要 Kontakt FULL 版本 5.8.1+!

Highly Advanced, Yet Simple At The Same Time
Designed by composers for composers. A very complex Kontakt GUI hides behind a simple GUI that inspires. A quad-layer engine with a bird’s eye view of all effects and controls. Creating a simple approach to working with several types of sounds that lets you mix and match sounds, effects, and sequences.

A Combination of Natural & Sound Design Instruments
We created multi-sample cinematic loops & pulses from one of the most pristine Halo (a brand of Handpan) drums available. Later, we processed the samples to make pads, cinematic loops, and hybrid multi-sample hits. Combined with our custom-made Kontakt GUI, a powerful cinematic and scoring-specific instrument arises.

A Collaboration With One Of The Industry’s Top Player
Greg Tripi is a composer, multi-instrumentalist, and synthesist based out of Los Angeles, California. He is the composer for the ABC television series The Fix, Manhunt: Unabomber (Discovery/ Netflix), and he collaborated with Cliff Martinez for The Knick (Cinemax). His music has been featured in motion pictures, including Ma, Drive, Contagion, Rememory, Dark Places, and Hotel Artemis, as well as Academy Award and Emmy Award-winning independent films, video games, and commercials.

The Most Useful Tool For a Film Composer
Such a simple and powerful tool that it will become part of your workflow. Film composers rely on combining pedal notes, rhythms, drones, and melodies to take the audience through a composing ride while keeping it grounded to one sonic element. With our LOCK feature, you have the same power in a quad GUI. This enables one to lock one layer of sound while bringing in and out other elements like loops, pads, and sequences.

We provide 100+ starting points and encourage you to create your own sonic story by using the recording function in the GUI.

Color & Space: Playable Effects for Eternal Change
The right XY is a custom effect live player that modulates several effects in real time depending on the cursor’s location. We call it Space & Color. The Y and X axes have a series of effects and modulators that can be customized in the Color and Space row of the GUI.

This feature adds additional playability and uniqueness to each patch while keeping them very organic and dynamic.

Kontakt Bird’s Eye View GUI
Instead of splitting each page into a main GUI, effects section, modulations, and sequencer page, our GUI has a “Bird’s Eye View” of everything. Select the module of the module you want to edit, and its parameters will show up on the right panel.
Once the module is selected, edit its parameters on the right panel.

In this example of the Bird’s Eye View, the filter of Layer 3 with the sample “MSMP Nail” is selected for editing in the right panel. Controls and settings of the filter are available on the right panel. The Step sequencer of the filter has been activated and set to 64 steps at 1/8 rate.

Tablet Integration
Two XY pads with their custom MIDI CC assignment let you record your story. The left XY pad lets you move from one of the four sound sources, while the right XY pad lets you change effects in real-time.

Advanced Sequencer x4
– Chord Sequencer: Play chords that repeat
– Arpeggiator: Plays one note at a time
– Sequencer: Pitch mode. Each step can be set to a specific note
– Amount knob: Changes the velocity of all steps at the same time


– 15.80GB Of Content (9.17 Compressed)
– 4-Layer Engine Combining Hits, Plucks, Loops & Pads
– XY Pad For Performing And Automating 4 Layers Of Samples
– Second XY Pad For Performing And Automating 2 Sets Of FXs
– Independent Lock For Each Layer
– 2 Macros With Customizable FXs: “Space” And “Color”
– Synth-Like Engine Capable Of Multiple FXs Per Layer
– Full Multi-Sampled Natural Halo
– 63 Processed Halo Plucks
– 51 Processed Halo Pads
– 342 Natural Halo Loops
– 111 Processed Halo Loops
– 175 Instruments Curated For Several Dramatic Categories
– Independent Sequencers And FX Sequencers For Each Layer

Kontakt FULL version 5.8.1+ required!


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