[深沉黑暗影视脉冲引擎音源]Native Instruments Schema Dark v1.0.2 [KONTAKT](1.86Gb)

NI Schema Dark v1.0.2 KONTAKT| 31 May 2024 | 1.85 GB

对于某些故事,只有最黑暗的声音才能满足。结合全新的SCHEMA引擎和一系列最深、最重、最扭曲的声音设计,SCHEMA: DARK将您的声学叙事推向难以想象之深。
– 使用独特的新的序列引擎创建深沉、驱动的图案和脉冲
– 叠加精心设计的管弦乐、合成和现场录音循环的变体
– 深入编辑每个层的图案,直观的宏旋钮、混音控制,以及工作室级别的效果
SCHEMA: DARK围绕一个独特的16步序列器构建:从四个同步节奏的循环开始,每个循环两小节,为每个层切换至16步以创建独特的节奏模式,然后使用调制轮调整创作的密度。立即获得满意的结果,或者深入探索多节奏技巧、不安的氛围、高强度的声音墙——以及中间的每一个点。
从精选的现场录音到模块合成序列,以及著名Sofia Session Studio精心捕捉的管弦乐录音,SCHEMA DARK的1700个独特循环只以一种阴暗的音调统一,并与您项目的节奏保持一致。使用MIDI键盘保持无人机、贝斯、合成器和管弦乐声音在调上,并通过专用的调音旋钮调整鼓和SFX的音高。
SCHEMA Dark附带343个专业设计的预设,让您立即开始工作。每个预设都包含四个循环,每个循环都有自己的可切换图案、播放模式(包括反向!)、包络、效果等。为了进一步调整,每个步骤的过滤器、衰减、音量和音高都是可编辑的,每个循环的图案长度可以独立设置以增加多节奏的乐趣,并且六个工作室级别的效果可以分配到两个发送插槽上。
如果您在选择上感到不知所措,SCHEMA: DARK的每个循环都可以随机选择,以获得灵感的即时冲击。从那里,每个循环的16个切片都可以随机重新排序,序列器模式本身也可以通过掷骰子来决定。有了SCHEMA引擎,您永远只需几次点击就能到达完全意想不到的地方。

Deep, dark patterns and pulses
For some stories, only the darkest sounds will suffice. Pairing the all-new SCHEMA Engine with a far-reaching array of the deepest, heaviest, and most twisted sound design imaginable, SCHEMA: DARK propels your sonic narrative to unfathomed depths.

Cinematic pulse engine
– Create, dark, driving patterns and pulses with a unique, new sequencing engine
– Layer expertly sound-designed variations of orchestral, synthetic, and field-recorded loops
– Go deep with editable patterns for each layer, intuitive macro knobs, mix controls, and studio-grade effects

The SCHEMA Engine
SCHEMA: DARK is built around a 16-step sequencer unlike any other: start with four tempo-synced loops of two bars each, toggle up to 16 steps for each layer to create unique rhythmic patterns, then vary the density of your creation using the mod wheel. Get instantly satisfying results or dive in to explore polyrhythmic trickery, uneasy ambience, high-intensity walls of sound – and every point in between.

Full-spectrum darkness
From curated field recordings to modular synth sequences and expertly captured orchestral recordings from the renowned Sofia Session Studio, SCHEMA DARK’s 1700 unique loops are united only by a pitch-dark tonality and your project’s tempo. Keep drones, basses, synths, and orchestral sounds in key using your MIDI keyboard, and pitch drums and SFX to taste with the dedicated Tuning knob.

Take it further
Each loop comes in four sound-designed flavors: Version A is the original – captured pristinely and sweetened to taste with high-end outboard gear. Versions B, C, and D push things even further into the shadows with bespoke processing chains – from boutique pedal distortion to esoteric modular patches and rare, rack-mounted compressors.

Dial in, develop, or go deep
SCHEMA Dark comes with 343 professionally designed presets to get you up and running right away. Each one consists of four loops, each with their own switchable patterns, playback modes (including reverse!), envelopes, effects, and more. For further tweaking, filters, decay, volume, and pitch are all editable per step, pattern lengths can be set independently for polyrhythmic fun, and six studio-grade effects are assignable across two send slots.

Roll the dice
If you’re feeling spoiled for choice, each of SCHEMA: DARK’s four loops can be randomly selected for an instant jolt of inspiration. From there, each of the 16 slices for each loop can be randomly reordered, and the sequencer patterns themselves can also be decided by the roll of a dice. With the SCHEMA Engine, you’re never more than a few clicks away from somewhere entirely unexpected.

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