[量子效果器套装]GS DSP Quantum Bundle v2024.5 Incl Keygen-R2R [WiN](13.1Mb)

GS DSP Quantum Bundle v2024.5 Incl Keygen-R2R| 11 Jun 2024 | 13.1MB


Saturator | BitCrusher | RingModulator | DownSampler



BitCrush:释放数字解构的力量,将您的音频转换为动态的位马赛克!调整 BitCrush 参数以获得强度,并使用 BitWarp 控件以难以想象的方式弯曲和扭曲位。


DownSample:使用 Downsample 实现时间上的质的飞跃!动态调整速率至 200 Hz 或使用 Jitter 引入混乱元素,为您的声音探索增添不可预测的优势。

XY Pad – 探索炼金术融合:使用直观的 XY Pad 轻松在这四种失真算法之间导航。背景图像也会动态变化,提供您当前位置的视觉指示。

使用我们的参数随机化功能随机探索插件的声音。如果这还不够,请使用我们的下一级调制系统,使用 LFO 和随机生成器(也以 2D 形式!)、包络跟随器、宏甚至动态混沌系统调制几乎所有内容。




延迟:使用复古磁带模式或现代超清晰淡入淡出模式,深入了解时间操控的核心。无缝切换 BPM 同步,甚至 5 个连音,或使用任何时间(以毫秒为单位)。使用精细控制来推动/拖动微时序或以前所未有的方式调制延迟线。


反馈:以传统百分比或我们现代的 dB/s 方法定义强度。使用交叉馈送实现经典的乒乓延迟风格效果。通过使用过反馈模式来增加强度,以无限地建立回声。

每个部分都可以在立体声和双单声道之间切换,以获得更有趣的立体声效果和控制。使用我们的参数随机化功能随机探索插件的声音。如果这还不够,请使用我们的下一代调制系统,使用 LFO 和随机生成器(也是 2D 的!)、包络跟随器、宏甚至动态混沌系统调制几乎所有东西。


我们自豪地向您展示 KEYZY 许可服务的真正密钥生成器。


AAX 在合法的 ProTools 中工作,尽情享受吧!

Quantum Distortion
Quantum Delay

Quantum Distortion
Saturator | BitCrusher | RingModulator | DownSampler

Down the rabbit hole into the very essence of distortion, where every tweak and turn unveils a subterranean realm of gritty textures and rich harmonics!

Saturation: Explore the rich, harmonically intricate depths of our custom waveshaping algorithm! Adjust the Drive to control the intensity from subtle to extreme, while the Asymmetry knob lets you summon the very essence of vintage tube amplifiers.

BitCrush: Unleash the power of digital deconstruction and transform your audio into a dynamic mosaic of bits! Tweak the BitCrush parameter for intensity, and bend and twist the bits in unimaginable ways using the BitWarp control.

RingModulation: Intertwine your audio into a spectral dance with an oscillator and let those sidebands resonate in lovely dissonance! Adjust intensity and frequency smoothly in real-time.

DownSample: Take a quantum leap in time with Downsampling! Adjust the rate dynamically down to 200 Hz or introduce an element of chaos with Jitter, adding an unpredictable edge to your sonic explorations.

The XY Pad – Discover the Alchemical Fusion: Navigate effortlessly between these four distortion algorithms using the intuitive XY pad. The background image changes dynamically as well, providing a visual indicator of your current location.

Use our parameter randomisation feature to explore the plugin’s sound at random. And if that’s not enough use our next-level modulation system to modulate pretty much everything using LFOs & Random Generators (also in 2D!), Envelope Followers, Macros and even dynamic chaotic systems.

Whether you’re summoning the warmth of vintage tones or venturing into uncharted sonic dimensions, this plugin is your key to unlocking the secrets of audio alchemy.

Quantum Delay
Stereo Delay / Echo meets next-level Modulation

Picture this: A classic stereo delay with feedback, a vintage treasure for the ages, now fused with the most transcendent, mind-bending modulation system you’ve ever encountered!

Delay: Dive into the heart of time manipulation using either the retro Tape mode or the modern super-clean Fade mode. Seamlessly toggle between BPM synchronization, even 5-tuplets, or use any time in ms. Use the Fine control for pushing / dragging micro-timings or modulate your delay lines like never before.

Filter: Nested within the feedback path, switchable lowpass, highpass, and bandpass filters empower you to beautifully sculpt your echos. Easily add modulation for unique dynamic movement and depth.

Feedback: Define the intensity in conventional percent or our modern dB/s approach. Use crossfeed for classic ping pong delay style effects. Increase the intensity by using the over-feedback mode to build up your echos beyond infinity.

Each section can be toggled between stereo and dual mono for even more interesting stereo effects and control. Use our parameter randomisation feature to explore the plugin’s sound at random. And if that’s not enough use our next-level modulation system to modulate pretty much everything using LFOs & Random Generators (also in 2D!), Envelope Followers, Macros and even dynamic chaotic systems.

A witch says,

We proudly present you the true keygen for KEYZY licensing service.


AAX works in legit ProTools, enjoy!

下载价格5 金币
1.新疆和台湾是百度网盘限制区,可以使用手机网络,不要连接WIFI,然后转存到网盘下载! 2.海外打不开百度网盘链接,可以使用梯子,连接大陆网络即可!


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