[MAC专业视频剪辑工具]Apple Final Cut Pro X v10.7.1 [MacOSX](4.71Gb)

经过重新设计,Final Cut Pro 将革命性的视频剪辑与强大的媒体组织功能和惊人的性能结合在一起,让你以超乎想象的速度进行创作。

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Final Cut Pro 10.7.1 macOS TNT| Dec 2023 | 4.71 GB

Final Cut Pro 首次为专业剪辑师提供了一系列强大的新功能。Final Cut Pro 将革命性的视频剪辑与强大的媒体组织和惊人的性能结合在一起,让你以思维的速度进行创作。

– 磁性时间线使用先进的元数据和片段连接功能,让剪辑更快、更简单
– 增强的时间线索引让你可以拖放音频角色,重新安排时间线布局
– 功能强大的拖放对象追踪器可根据脸部或对象的移动自动匹配标题和特效
– 为 iPhone 上以电影模式拍摄的视频更改对焦点或深度效果(需要 macOS Monterey 或更高版本)
– 编辑多摄像机项目,自动同步并支持多达 64 个摄像机角度
– 利用 Smart Conform 自动转换项目,以便进行方形或垂直传输
– 以多种格式和帧尺寸导入和编辑 360° 等角视频
– 在 Final Cut Pro 中创建、剪辑和提供隐藏式字幕
– 利用第三方工作流程扩展功能扩展 Final Cut Pro 的功能

– 在资料库中组织你的作品,实现高效的媒体管理和协作
– 为你的媒体创建代理副本,以提高可移植性和性能
– 在选择片段范围时即时应用自定义关键字或收藏夹
– 智能收藏动态组织内容,只需点击几下就能快速找到任何镜头
– 使用高亮显示的素材范围或时间轴索引查找时间轴中的重复媒体

– 在使用 Apple silicon 的 Mac 电脑上提高速度和效率
– 针对全新 MacBook Pro 和 Mac Studio 上的 M2 Pro、M2 Max 和 M1 Ultra 芯片进行了优化,性能无与伦比
– 可处理广泛的格式,包括 ProRes、RED、XAVC、AVCHD、Avid DNxHR®、Avid DNxHD®、H.264、HEVC 等。

– 动画精美,可轻松定制 2D 和 3D 标题
– 使用直观的控件更改字幕、转场和特效的外观
– 从具有自定义界面的第三方 FxPlug 插件生态系统中进行选择

– 在导入过程中分配角色,轻松跟踪和组织项目
– 直接在时间线中扩展和编辑多通道音频文件
– 应用基于 Logic 的直观效果,并减少背景噪音以隔离声音
– 通过即时音频波形匹配,一步即可同步视频和独立音频

兼容性:macOS 13.5 或更高版本


Redesigned from the ground up, Final Cut Pro combines revolutionary video editing with powerful media organization and incredible performance to let you create at the speed of thought. Final Cut Pro debuts a powerful collection of new features for professional editors. Final Cut Pro combines revolutionary video editing with powerful media organization and incredible performance to let you create at the speed of thought.

Revolutionary Video Editing
• The Magnetic Timeline uses advanced metadata and Clip Connections for faster, easier editing
• Enhanced Timeline Index lets you drag and drop audio roles to rearrange the layout of your timeline
• Powerful drag-and-drop Object Tracker automatically matches titles and effects to the movement of faces or objects
• Change focus points or the depth effect for video shot in Cinematic mode on iPhone (requires macOS Monterey or later)
• Edit multicamera projects with automatic syncing and support for up to 64 camera angles
• Automatically transform projects for square or vertical delivery with Smart Conform
• Import and edit 360° equirectangular video in a wide range of formats and frame sizes
• Create, edit, and deliver closed captions from within Final Cut Pro
• Extend the capabilities of Final Cut Pro with third-party workflow extensions

Powerful Media Organization
• Organize your work within libraries for efficient media management and collaboration
• Create proxy copies of your media for portability and performance
• Apply custom keywords or favorites on the fly as you select clip ranges
• Smart Collections dynamically organize content for you to quickly find any shot in a few clicks
• Locate duplicate media in the timeline using highlighted clip ranges or the Timeline Index

Incredible Performance
• Improved speed and efficiency on Mac computers with Apple silicon
• Unrivaled performance with optimizations for the M2 Pro, M2 Max and M1 Ultra chips on the new MacBook Pro and Mac Studio
• Work with a broad range of formats including ProRes, RED, XAVC, AVCHD, Avid DNxHR®, Avid DNxHD®, H.264, HEVC, and more

Compelling, Customizable Effects
• Beautifully animated, easily customizable 2D and 3D titles
• Change the look of titles, transitions, and effects using intuitive controls
• Choose from an ecosystem of third-party FxPlug plug-ins with custom interfaces

Integrated Audio Editing
• Assign roles during import to easily track and organize your project
• Expand and edit multichannel audio files directly in the timeline
• Apply intuitive Logic-based effects and reduce background noise to isolate voices
• Sync video with separate audio in a single step with instant audio waveform matching

Compatibility: macOS 13.5 or later

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